David Goodfellow Travel

David Goodfellow Travel

The past 15 months have definitely been a testing time for all of us, both for our customers, who i hope are all well, and David Gooodfellow travel. Hopefully we are getting closer to getting back to some normality. We are now operating from our new office in Thorne, our telephone number remains the same with an additional number 01405 819998 been installed. We also have a new member of the team Louisa, who will be working in the office along side myself. We have put together a daytrip and holiday programme for the remaining of this year. We will also be doing Theatre and weekend destinations. Our 1st daytrip is on the 18th April to Scarborough. Holidays start with Torquay 0n the 23 May.

Look forward to seeing everyone in the near future, thankyou for your support.

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